

  • A. Nitschke, M. Hitzemann, J. Winkelholz, T. Kobelt, C. Thoben, M. Lippmann, L. Stolpe, H. Plinke and S. Zimmermann (2024): Ultra-fast polarity switching GC-IMS for the analysis of volatiles in biogasRenewable Energy, vol. 231, 120941/1-9, 2024
    DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2024.120941
  • A.T. Kirk, T. Kobelt, M.J. Kueddelsmann and S. Zimmermann (2024): Gas Chromatography and Ion Mobility Spectrometry: A Perfect Match?LCGC International, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 22-26, 2024
    DOI: 10.56530/
  • C. Schaefer, M. Allers, M. Hitzemann, A. Nitschke, T. Kobelt, M. Moertel, S. Schroeder, A. Ficks and S. Zimmermann (2024): Reliable detection of chemical warfare agents using High Kinetic Energy Ion Mobility SpectrometryJ. of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 2008-2019, 2024
    DOI: 10.1021/jasms.4c00240
  • T. Kobelt, M. Lippmann, J. Wuttke, H. Wessel and S. Zimmermann (2024): Influence of ionization volume and sample gas flow rate on separation power in gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometryJ. of Chromatography A, vol. 1713, 464506, 2024
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.464506
  • C. Thoben, C.-R. Raddatz, A. Tataroglu, T. Kobelt and S. Zimmermann (2023): How to improve the resolving power of compact electrospray ionization ion mobility spectrometersAnalytical Chemistry, vol. 95, no. 21, pp. 8277-8283, 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c00471
  • C. Thoben, F. Schlottmann, T. Kobelt, A. Nitschke, G.-L. Gloeden, C.N. Naylor, A.T. Kirk and S. Zimmermann (2023): Ultra-fast ion mobility spectrometer for high throughput chromatographyAnalytical Chemistry, vol. 95, no. 46, pp. 17073−17081, 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03935
  • M. Allers, C. Schaefer, A. Ahrens, F. Schlottmann, M. Hitzemann, T. Kobelt, S. Zimmermann and R. Hetzer (2022): Detection of volatile toxic industrial chemicals with classical ion mobility spectrometry and high kinetic energy ion mobility spectrometryAnalytical Chemistry, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 1211-1220, 2022
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04397


  • J. Winkelholz, M. Hitzemann, A. Nitschke, L. Stolpe, T. Kobelt, C. Thoben, H. Plinke and S. Zimmermann (2024): Ultraschnell umpolbares Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer mit vorgeschaltetem Gaschromatograph für die Analyse von Biogas10th IMS Users’ Meeting, pp. 40-41, Innsbruck, Austria, March 2024
  • J. Winkelholz, T. Kobelt, A. Nitschke, M. Hitzemann, M. Lippmann and S. Zimmermann (2024): Heated dual polarity ion mobility spectrometer for the detection of low-volatile chemical warfare agent aerosolsConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '24, p. 88, Miami Beach, USA, July 2024
  • T. Kobelt, J. Klose, R. Mukherjee, S.P. Szafranski and S. Zimmermann (2024): Differentiation of anaerobic bacterial strains using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometryConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '24, p. 87, Miami Beach, USA, July 2024
  • T. Kobelt, M. Lippmann, J. Wuttke, H. Wessel and S. Zimmermann (2024): Effektives Detektorvolumen eines Ionenmobilitätsspektrometers mit Field-Switching-Ionentor als Gaschromatographie-Detektor10th IMS Users’ Meeting, pp. 50-51, Innsbruck, Austria, March 2024
  • A. Nitschke, C. Thoben, F. Schlottmann, T. Kobelt, A.T. Kirk, C.N. Naylor, G.-L. Gloeden and S. Zimmermann (2023): An electrospray ion mobility spectrometer combining high resolving power with high repetition rate for fast chromatography and droplet microfluidicsInternational Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques - HPLC '23, P-INST06, Duesseldorf, Germany, June 2023
  • C. Thoben, A. Nitschke, F. Schlottmann, T. Kobelt, A.T. Kirk, C.N. Naylor, G.-L. Gloeden and S. Zimmermann (2023): High resolution electrospray ionization ion mobility spectrometry with high repetition rate for efficient coupling with fast chromatography and droplet microfluidicsConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '23, p. 99, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2023
  • M. Hitzemann, A. Nitschke, L. Stolpe, J. Winkelholz, T. Kobelt, C. Thoben, H. Plinke and S. Zimmermann (2023): Ultra-fast polarity switching GC-IMS for onsite and online analysis of biogasConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '23, p. 100, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2023
  • M. Reulbach, L. Cong, T. Kobelt, S. Zimmermann, B.-A. Behrens and E. Jakubowitz (2023): Acoustic emissions resulting from friction of different bone tissue against implant material: A new approach for implant loosening detectionInternational Congress of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty - ISTA '23, New York City, USA, 2023
  • M.J. Kueddelsmann, A. Nitschke, M. Lippmann, T. Kobelt, A.T. Kirk and S. Zimmermann (2023): Advantages of focusing flow ion source geometries for fast response and high sensitivityConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '23, p. 47, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2023
  • T. Kobelt, M. Reulbach, E. Jakubowitz and S. Zimmermann (2023): Identification of wear and abrasion particles from loosened hip arthroplasties with Py-GC-IMSConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '23, p. 108, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2023
  • M. Allers, C. Schaefer, A. Ahrens, F. Schlottmann, M. Hitzemann, T. Kobelt, S. Zimmermann and A. Ficks (2022): Hochenergie-Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie (HiKE-IMS) zur selektiven Vor-Ort-Detektion von toxischen Industriechemikalien9th IMS Users’ Meeting, p. 13, Unna, Germany, March 2022
  • M. Lippmann, S. Gitte, C. Ottersbach, I. Eickel, N. Kunze-Szikszay, T. Perl, C. Rosin, W. Vautz, C. Drees, S. Liedtke, T. Kobelt and S. Zimmermann (2022): Kopplung von Gaschromatograph und Doppelröhren-Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer zur Differenzierung von Sepsis-Erregern9th IMS Users’ Meeting, p. 38, Unna, Germany, March 2022
  • M.J. Kueddelsmann, A.T. Kirk, T. Kobelt and Stefan Zimmermann (2022): Optimierung einer Ionenquelle für GC-IMS-Systeme durch Fokussierung des Probengasstroms9th IMS Users’ Meeting, p. 50, Unna, Germany, March 2022
  • T. Kobelt, J. Trachte, M. Lippmann and S. Zimmermann (2022): Entwicklung eines Gaschromatographen mit geringer thermischer Masse für die schnelle Temperaturprogrammierung9th IMS Users’ Meeting, p. 37, Unna, Germany, March 2022
  • M. Lippmann, A.T. Kirk, T. Kobelt and S. Zimmermann (2020): Kopplung von Gaschromatographie und hochsensitivem Doppelröhren-Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer für die Analyse komplexer Stoffgemische8th IMS Users’ Meeting, p. 46, Potsdam, Germany, March 2020 (proceedings published, meeting cancelled due to corona pandemic)
  • A.T. Kirk, T. Kobelt, M.J. Kueddelsmann, M. Lippmann and S. Zimmermann (2019): Combining fast gas chromatographic pre-separation with an ultrahigh sensitive dual polarity drift tube IMSConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '19, p. 28, Hanover, Germany, July 2019
  • T. Kobelt, A.T. Kirk and S. Zimmermann (2019): Extending the Golay equation for coupling a gas chromatograph to a drift tube IMSConf. Int. Society of Ion Mobility Spectrometry - ISIMS '19, p. 64, Hanover, Germany, July 2019