

  • F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2021): Validation of GTEM Cells According to IEC 61000-4-20: Real World Field MeasurementsIEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, IEEE, 2021
    DOI: 10.1109/LEMCPA.2021.3097076
  • H. D. Pham, K. Tüting, H. Garbe (2021): Calculations of electromagnetic fields in longitudinal irregular TEM-cellsAdv. Radio. Sci., vol. 19, pp. 1-9
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-19-1-2021
  • H. D. Pham, K. Tüting. H. Garbe (2021): Concept to Evaluate and Quantify Field Inhomogeneities in Coaxial TEM-CellsEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp 1-14, 2021, Art. No 10009914
    DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3115214
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2019): Disturbing Impact of Multiple Wind Turbines on the Indicated DVOR BearingAdvances in Radio Science
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-17-11-2019
  • S. Sandmann, J. Bredemeyer, T.Schrader and H. Garbe (2019): A Numerical Time Domain Method for Calculation of the Indicated DVOR Bearing in Dynamically Disturbed ScenariosIET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (Volume: 13 , Issue: 15), p.2687 - p.2692
    DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2018.5591
  • S. Koj, A. Hoffmann, H. Garbe (2018): Measurement Uncertainty of Radiated Electromagnetic Emissions in In Situ Tests of Wind Energy Conversion SystemsAdv. Radio Sci., 16, 13-22, 2018
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-16-13-2018
  • N. Briest, D. Hamann, S. Potthast and H. Garbe (2017): Extension of the IEC 61000-4-20 Annex C to the Use of Arbitrary Transient Signals, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1276-1284, Aug. 2017.
    DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2017.2666880
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe und S. Potthast (2017): Bewertung der Formveränderung transienter Signale in GTEM-Zellentm - Technisches Messen, Band 84, Heft 3, pp. 157-156, Mrz. 2017
    DOI: 10.1515/teme-2016-0076
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2017): Überlagerung der Störeinflüsse mehrerer Streuobjekte auf die Zielgröße eines Doppler-Drehfunkfeuers (DVOR)tm - Technisches Messen, p.549- p.556
    DOI: 10.1515/teme-2016-0073
  • B. Menssen, H. Brech and H. Garbe (2016): Measurement Validation for the Extension of Emission Measurements in Alternative Test Sites above 1 GHzIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1274-1281, Aug. 2016.
    DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2016.2554463
  • B. Menssen, H. Brech and H. Garbe (2016): Measurement Validation for the Extension of Emission Measurements in Alternative Test Sites Above 1 GHzIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE, 2016
    DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2016.2554463
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Extended Measurement Setup for Transient TEM Waveguide CharacterizationAdv. Radio Sci., 14, pp. 115-120
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-14-115-2016
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2016): Uncertainty contribution of a wind turbine to the electric field of a DVOR antenna as a function of wind direction and rotor positionAdvances in Radio Science
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-14-17-2016
  • T. Peikert, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Electromagnetic Environment and Interference Risk Analysis with a Fuzzy-Logic Approach of a Complex InstallationAdv. Radio Sci.
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2015): Transmission Characteristics of a TEM Waveguide for Transient Signals by the use of a Damped SinusoidalAdv. Radio Sci., 13, pp. 175-179, 2015
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-13-175-2015
  • S. Sandmann, S. Divanbeigi, and H. Garbe (2015): Reflexionseigenschaften von Windenergieanlagen im Funkfeld von Funknavigations- und RadarsystemenAdvances in Radio Science
    DOI: 10.5194/ars-13-9-2015
  • Genender, E.; Holloway, C.L.; Remley, K.A.; Ladbury, J.M.; Koepke, G.; Garbe, H. (2010): Simulating the Multipath Channel With a Reverberation Chamber: Application to Bit Error Rate MeasurementsIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.52, no.4, pp.766-777, Nov. 2010
  • H. Gerth, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe, H. Haase (2010): New Advances on Correlating TEM Cell and OATS Emission MeasurementsIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 52, No. 1, February 2010
  • H. Thye, S. Sczyslo, G. Armbrecht, S. Dortmund, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2010): Nutzung von GTEM-Zellen zur transienten Charakterisierung von UWB-AntennenHF-Report, 4/2010, ISSN 1431-827X, Baltz Verlag, pp. 24-29.
  • Oliver Döring, Heyno Garbe (2010): Sichere Kommunikation über den WolkenUniMagazin, Zeitschrift der Universität Hannover, 2010
    ISBN: 1616-4075
  • O. Gleiche, H. Thye, K. Delto, H. Garbe (2009): Sparking Pupils' Engineering Interest with Laboratory `TechLab', The International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE) , Vol. 25, No. 3, 2009, Part I: Outreach to Prospective Engineering Students |weitere Informationen|
  • Battermann, S.; Garbe, H.; Silva, F.; Pous, M.; Beauvois, V.; Vantomme, K.; Catrysse, J.; Newbury, J.; Degardin, V.; Lienard, M.; Degauque, P.; Flintoft, I.D.; Papatsoris, A.D.; Welsh, D.W.; Marvin, A.C. (2008): Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of unstructured mains networks for high-speed data transmission: Part 1, Science, Measurement & Technology, IET, Volume 2, Issue 3, May 2008, pp. 146-153
  • Battermann, S.; Garbe, H.; Silva, F.; Pous, M.; Beauvois, V.;Vantomme, K.; Catrysse, J.; Newbury, J.; Degardin, V.; Lienard, M.;Degauque, P.; Flintoft, I.D.; Papatsoris, A.D.; Welsh, D.W.; Marvin,A.C.; (2008): Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of unstructured mains networks for high-speed data transmission: Part 2Science, Measurement & Technology, IET, Volume 2, Issue 3, May 2008, pp. 154 - 159, Digital Object Identifier 10.1049/iet-smt:20070056
  • Christopoulos C., Zhang Y., Paul J., Garbe H., Battermann S., Skrzypczynski J., Kucharski A. A., Roje V., Antonijevic S., Doric V, Welinder J., Rubinstein A., Rachidi F., Beauvois V., Renard M., Beerten P., Lamedschwandner K., Preineder H., Cecil S., Nakovits T. (2008): Near-field coupling of wireless devices and long communications cablesIET Sci. Meas. Technol., 2008, vol.2, no.1, pp 18-24, January 2008
  • H. Garbe and S. Battermann (2008): Establishing a link to given radiated emission limits during extending the frequency range above 1 GHzAdv. Radio Sci., 6, 303-306, 2008
  • S. Battermann and H. Garbe (2008): Subjects of discussion in radiated emission measurements above 1 GHzAdv. Radio Sci., 6, 299-301, 2008
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2008): Subjects of discussion in radiated emission measurements above 1 GHzAdvances in Radio Science, Vol. 6, 2008, pp. 293-298
  • S. Korte, O. Döring, H. Garbe (2008): Detection of Transient Disturbing Signals on PC BoardsAdvances in Radio Sciences -- Vol.6 (Kleinheubacher Berichte 2007), Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau 2008. ISSN 1684-9965 (Print), ISSN 1684-9973 (Online), pp. 279-284
  • G. Cerri, H. Herlemann, V. Mariani Primiani, H. Garbe (2007): Short Pulse Measurement by Field Sensors with Arbitrary Frequency Responsein: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, pp 552-560, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2007
  • M. Camp, S. Korte, H. Garbe (2007): Classification of the Destruction Effects in CMOS-Devices after Impact of Fast Transient Electromagnetic Pulsesin: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, pp 501-508, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2007
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2007): Time Domain Measurements to Validate Test Site Characteristicsin: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, pp 561-568, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2007
  • S. Fisahn and H. Garbe (2007): Protective Properties of a Missile Enclosure against Electromagnetic InfluencesAdvances in Radio Science, Vol. 5, pp. 63-67, 2007
  • Camp, M.; Garbe, H. (2006): Susceptibility of Personal Computer Systems to Fast Transient Electromagnetic PulsesElectromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.4pp.829-833, Nov. 2006
  • S. Korte, H.Garbe (2006): Breakdown Behavior of Electronics at Variable Pulse Repetition RatesAdvances in Radio Sciences – Vol.4 (Kleinheubacher Berichte 2005), Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau 2006. ISSN 1684-9965 (Print), ISSN 1684-9973 (Online), pp. 7-10
  • H. Herlemann, S. Korte, M. Camp, H. Garbe, M. Koch, F. Sabath (2005): Shielding of Electronic Systems against Transient Electromagnetic Interferences Advances in Radio Sciences -- Vol. 3 (Kleinheubacher Berichte2004), Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau 2005. ISSN1684-9965 (Print), ISSN 1684-9973 (Online), pp.131-135
  • S. Battermann, F. W. Trautnitz, H. Garbe (2005): New Standards for the Validation of EMC Test Sites particularly above 1 GHzAdvances in Radio Science, 3, 2005
  • T. Schrader, K. Münter, S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2005): Measured Response of Local, Mid-Range and Far-range Discontinuities of Large Metal Groundplanes using Time Domain TechniquesAdv. Radio Sci., 3, 99-103, 2005
  • U. Paoletti, H. Garbe, W. John (2005): Messung der Schirmdämpfung von leitenden Gehäuse mit der Spiegelungstechnik Adv. Radio Sci., 3, 137-142, 2005
  • Camp, M.; Gerth, H.; Garbe, H.; Haase, H. (2004): Predicting the Breakdown Behaviorof Microcontrollers Under EMP/UWB Impact Using a Statistical AnalysisElectromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on ,Volume: 46 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 2004 Pages:368 - 379
  • Camp, M.;Garbe, H. (2004): Parameter Estimation of Double Exponential Pulses (EMP, UWB) With Least Squares and Nelder AlgorithmElectromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on ,Volume: 46 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 2004 Pages:675 - 678
  • Knobloch and H. Garbe (2004): Screening attenuation of coaxial cables determined in GTEM-cellsAdv. Radio Sci., 2, 33-38, 2004
  • Knobloch, H. Garbe (2004): Bestimmung der Kopplungsdämpfung in einer GTEM-ZelleEMV Düsseldorf 2004, 02/2004, S601-608, VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2004 HF-Report, Baltz Verlag, ISSN 1431-827X, Seite 32-37
  • M. Al-Hamid, H. Garbe (2004): Anwendungsgrenzen von Crawford-ZellenEMV Düsseldorf 2004, 02/2004 , S31-38, VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2004 HF-Report, Baltz Verlag, ISSN 1431-827X, Seite 38-42
  • M. Camp and H. Garbe (2004): Susceptibility of personal computer systems to electromagnetic pulses with double exponential characterAdv. Radio Sci., 2, 63-69, 2004
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe (2004): Vulnerability of Electronic Circuits to Electromagnetic Pulses with Spectral Components above 1 GHzEMC Society of Australia Newsletter, Issue 25, pp 6- 13, March 2004
  • M.Camp, S.Korte, H.Garbe (2004): Schadensmechanismen in integrierten Schaltungen nach Beaufschlagungmit transienten elektromagnetischen Feldimpulsen doppelt-exponentiellerForm EMV-ESD Journal , Vol. 4, SMT-Verlag, Ingelheim 2004, ISSN 0947-0808,pp. 36-40
  • Nitsch, D.; Camp, M.; Sabath, F.; terHaseborg, J.-L.; Garbe, H. (2004): Susceptibility of Some Electronic Equipment to HPEM ThreatsElectromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on ,Volume: 46 , Issue: 3 , Aug. 2004 Pages:380 – 389
  • F. Sabath and H. Garbe (2003): Impact of near field dispersion on time domain susceptibility testsAdv. Radio Sci., 1, 43-47, 2003
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (2003): Radiation Analysis of PCB Layout Using a Hybrid MoM TLM MethodIEEE Transactions on EMC, Volume: 45 Issue: 2, Page(s): 424 -435, May 2003
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe (2003): Wenn der Chip streiktUnimagazin Hannover, Ausgabe ½-2003, Seiten 34-37
  • U. Paolett, U. Keller, H. Garbe, W.John (2003): A BiCG-FFT Method for the Shielding Effectiveness of PEC Enclosures with many AperturesIEE Electronic, IEE Publishing Department, 11/2003
  • Kärst, J.P.; Groh, C.; Garbe, H (2002): Calculable field generation using TEM cells applied to the calibration of a novel E-field probeIEEE Trans. on EMC, Volume: 44 Issue: 1 , Feb. 2002 Page(s): 59 -71
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe (2002): Empfindlichkeit von Elektronik bei EMP/UWB Beaufschlagungin: K. Müller, E. Habiger (Hrsg): EMC Kompendium 2002,. publish-industry Verlag, 2002


  • F. Burghardt, Nico Feige and H. Garbe (2022): Bestimmung der Übertragungsfunktion einer verzweigten Leiterstruktur mit unbekannter LeitungsimpedanzEMV: Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Köln, 2022, pp. 329-336, Aachen: Apprimus, 2022
    DOI: 10.15488/12591
  • F. L. Vieira, M. S. Alamsyah, C. Siebauer and H. Garbe (2022): Compensation of Time-Domain Waveforms by Applying the Complex Transfer Function of a Current Probe in the kHz-MHz RangeKleinheubach Conference. Miltenberg, Germany, September 2022
    DOI: 10.15488/13189
  • H. Brech and H. Garbe (2022): Investigation of the Vulnerability of an OFDM based WLAN Connection to CW Signal InterferenceInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, Gothenburg, 2022
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope51680.2022.9900952
  • H. Brech, F. Deter and H. Garbe (2022): Beeinflussung von WLAN-Verbindungen durch ISM-AnwendungenProceedings EMV Kongress 2022. Aachen : Apprimus, 2022, S. 183-190
    DOI: 10.15488/12575
  • M. S. Alamsyah, F. L. Vieira, S. Koj and H. Garbe (2022): Pointer Image Theory Usage for Common Mode Current Prediction at Power LinesEMV: Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Köln, 2022, pp. 413-419, Aachen: Apprimus, 2022
    DOI: 10.15488/12601
  • F. Burghardt, Nico Feige and H. Garbe (2021): System Identification of a Branched 50 Ohm Network by Transient Excitation2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), IEEE
    DOI: 10.1109/APEMC49932.2021.9597158
  • H. D. Pham, K. Tüting, H. Garbe, S. Fisahn (2021): Estimation of Measurement Uncertainties in TEM-Cells based on Generalized Telegraphist’s EquationIEEE International Joint EMC/SI/PI and EMC Europe Symposium, 2021, pp. 362-367
    DOI: 10.1109/EMC/SI/PI/EMCEurope52599.2021.9559231
  • M. S. Alamsyah, F. L. Vieira, H. Garbe and S. Koj (2021): The Effect of Stray Capacitance to the Common Mode Current on Three-Phase SystemInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), pp. 430-433, IEEE, 2021
    DOI: 10.15488/11357
  • F. Burghardt, J. Bohse and H. Garbe (2020): Entwicklung von Direct Power Injection Platinen zur Bestimmung der Beeinträchtigung von Mikrocontrollern aufgrund von IEMI bis 1 GHz in LeiterbahnstrukturenEMV: Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Köln, 2020, pp. 265-272, Aachen: Apprimus, 2020
    DOI: 10.15488/10036
  • F. Burghardt, H. Garbe (2020): Effects of Conducted Interference on a Microcontroller Based on IEC 62132-4 and IEC 62215-32020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), IEEE, 2020
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEUROPE48519.2020.9245782
  • H. Brech and H. Garbe (2020): Störfestigkeitsuntersuchung eines Unmanned Aerial Vehicles mit Hilfe der stochastischen Beschreibung der SubsystemeInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Köln, 2020, S. 531-538
    DOI: 10.15488/10067
  • H. D. Pham, H. Garbe (2020): Geometrische Unsicherheitsbetrachtung von rundkoaxialen TEM-Zellenin EMV: Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Köln, 2020, pp. 283-290, Aachen, Apprimus, 2020
    DOI: 10.15488/10038
  • H. D. Pham, H. Garbe (2020): Mode Coupling in TEM-Cells due to Variations in the Geometry using Generalized Telegraphist’s EquationsInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2019
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEUROPE48519.2020.9245825
  • H. D. Pham, K. Tüting, H. Garbe (2020): Calculations of electromagnetic fields in longitudinal irregular TEM-cellsKleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2020
  • H. D. Pham, K. Tüting, H. Garbe, M. Koch (2020): A Method to Approximate the Resonance Frequencies of a Coaxial TEM-CellIEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 2020, pp. 412- 414
    DOI: 10.1109/APMC47863.2020.9331410
  • F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2019): Comparison of Predictions between Artificial Neural Networks and Gaussian Processes in EMC Investigations2019 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), pp. 921-926, IEEE, 2019
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2019.8871865
  • S. Fisahn, H. D. Pham, S. Sandmann, H. Garbe, S. Koj (2019): Far Field Region of Radiated Emissions from Wind Energy Conversion SystemsInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, p.450 - p.455
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2019.8872081
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2019): 3D Visualization of Numerically Calculated Bearing Error Texture in Disturbed DVOR ScenariosInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, p.294-p.298
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2019.8872063
  • C. Reschka, S. Koj, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2018): Measurement Uncertainty Caused by Distance Errors during In Situ Tests of Wind TurbinesProc. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2018, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., p.11, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2018
  • D. Härke, N. Briest and H. Garbe (2018): Uncertainty of Phase Center Calculations Using Defective Field Data2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018
  • F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2018): Introduction of Artificial Neural Networks in EMC2018 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity (EMC, SI & PI), pp. 165-169, IEEE, 2018
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCSI.2018.8495246
  • F. Burghardt und H. Garbe (2018): Aufbau eines automatisierten Messstandes zur Störfestigkeitsuntersuchung von Unmanned Aerial Vehiclesemv: Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 2018, pp. 126-133, Frankfurt/Main: mesago, 2018
    DOI: 10.15488/4336
  • F. Burghardt, S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2018): Simplifying Risk Analysis to Determine the Influence of Wind Turbines to the Electric Field of a DVOR Antenna Using Artificial Neural Networks2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), pp. 283-287, IEEE, 2018
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2018.8485040
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and M. Schaarschmidt (2018): Approaches to Determine the Transfer Function of TEM Waveguides2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018
  • S. Fisahn, S. Koj, H. Garbe (2018): Real Time Spectrum Analysis of Electromagnetic Interferences on Vehicles of Security AuthoritiesProc. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2018, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., p.13, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2018
  • S. Fisahn, S. Koj, H. Garbe (2018): EM Interferences between Power Converters and FM Radio Services on Vehicles of Security AuthoritiesProc. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI 2018), pp. 427-431, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A., July - August 2018
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCSI.2018.8495316
  • S. Koj, H. Garbe (2018): Prädiktion von Blitzeinschlagsbereichen bei Multimegawatt-WindkraftanlagenInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV 2018), pp. 166-173, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, Februar 2018
  • S. Koj, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2018): Simplified Procedure to Predict the EM Emissions of Wind Energy Conversion SystemsProc. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI 2018), pp. 423-426, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A., July - August 2018
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCSI.2018.8495243
  • F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2017): Development of a test rig to measure the EM-susceptibility of an unmanned aerial vehicle2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), IEEE, 2017
    DOI: 10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105013
  • J. Fitschen, S. Koj, J. Bredemeyer, H. Garbe (2017): RF Front End for UAS-Aided Flight Inspection of Airport Surveillance Radars11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), pp. 268 - 272 , Paris, France, March 2017
    DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928328
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and M. Schaarschmidt (2017): Measuring the Transfer Function of a TEM Waveguide2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Angers, France, 2017
  • S. Fisahn, S. Koj, H. Garbe (2017): Using the EMT to Analyze the Coupling Behavior of Transient Signals into Proper Volumes of Real SystemsProc. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2017, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., pp. 19-20, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2017
  • S. Fisahn, S. Koj, H. Garbe (2017): Modelling of Multi-Megawatt Wind Turbines for EMI and EMS Investigations by a Topological ApproachXXXIInd International Union of Radio Science General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI 2017 GASS), Montréal, Canada, August 2017
  • S. Koj, A. Hoffmann, H. Garbe (2017): Measurement Uncertainty of Radiated Electromagnetic Emissions in In-Situ Tests of Wind Energy Conversion SystemsProc. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2017, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., pp. 16-17, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2017
  • S. Koj, C. Reschka, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2017): Radiated Electromagnetic Emissions from Wind Energy Conversion Systems2017 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI 2017), pp. 243-248, Washington D.C., U.S.A., August 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2230-8
  • S. Koj, P. Akhlamov, J. Bredemeyer, H. Garbe (2017): Test Platform for Electromagnetic Field Strength Measurements near Wind Energy Converting Systems18th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology (SENSOR 2017), pp. 632-636, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2017
    ISBN: 978-3-9816876-4-4
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2017): Calculation of radar signals interacting with scattering objects by use of transfer functionInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, p.1-p.5
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2017.8094749
    ISSN: 978-1-5386-0689-6
  • B. Menssen, F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2016): On Detecting and Localizing IEMI Sources by using Multiple Antenna Sensors11. Future Security, Berlin, Germany, 2016
  • B. Menssen, H. Brech and H. Garbe (2016): On Determining the Directivity of Electrically Large, Unintentional Electromagnetic Radiators - Assessment of a Real Electronic Equipment2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Wroclaw, Poland, 2016
  • B. Menssen, H. Brech and H. Garbe (2016): On determining the directivity of electrically large, unintentional electromagnetic radiators — Assessment of a real electronic equipmentInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Dresden, 2016
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2016.7739241
  • H. Brech, B. Menssen and H. Garbe (2016): Messtechnische Verifikation der Eigenschaft „Unintentional Radiator“ für ein reales ObjektInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit. Aachen : Apprimus, 2016, S. 61-68
    DOI: 10.15488/5253
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Quantifizierung der Formveränderung beliebiger transienter Signale in TEM Wellenleitern, Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik - AHMT '16, Hannover, Germany, September 2016
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe, D. Hamann and S. Potthast (2016): N. Briest, H. Garbe, D. Hamann, S. Potthast (2016): Extension of the IEC 61000-4-20 Annex C to the Use of Arbitrary Transient Signals, IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 829-834, 25-29 July. 2016
  • S. Fisahn, S. Koj, H. Garbe (2016): Estimating the Reliability of Real Systems Against Electromagnetic InterferencesProc. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., p. 51, Miltenberg, Germany, September 2016
  • S. Koj, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2016): Messkonzepte zur Bestimmung der elektromagnetischen Emissionen von WindkraftanlagenXXX. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik - AHMT 2016, pp. 117-124, Hannover, Deutschland, September 2016
    ISBN: 978-3-11-049487-7
  • S. Koj, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2016): Determination of Radiated Emissions from Wind Energy Conversion SystemsInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), pp. 188-192, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2016
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2016.7739262
  • S. Sandmann and H. Garbe (2016): Simulation of DVOR carrier wave propagation over real terrainInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2016.7739224
  • S. Sandmann, H. Garbe, J. Bredemeyer and T. Schrader (2016): Ermittlung der gesamten Unsicherheit des Winkelfehlers eines Doppler-Drehfunkfeuers (DVOR)Tagungsband :XXX. Messtechnisches Symposium, p.175- p.182
    DOI: 10.1515/9783110494297-023
    ISBN: 978-3-11-049487-7
  • T. Peikert, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Risk Anaylsis of the Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure on Intentional EMI Threatspp. Security Research Conference 11th Future Security 2016, pp. 97-104 , Berlin, 13-14 September 2016
  • T. Peikert, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Fuzzy Based Risk Analysis for IT-System and their InfrastructureIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 51-56 , 25-29 July. 2016
  • B. Menssen, D. Hamann and H. Garbe (2015): Predicting the Maximum Radiated Electric Field Strength From Unintentional Radiators2015 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 456-459, 26-29 May 2015
    DOI: 10.1109/APEMC.2015.7175289
    ISBN: 978-1-4799-6668-4
  • B. Menssen, D. Hamann and H. Garbe (2015): Extension of the Emission Measurements for Alternative Test Methods above 1 GHz for Unintentional Electromagnetic RadiatorsIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Dresden, Germany, pp. 444-449, 16-22 Aug. 2015
    DOI: 10.1109/ISEMC.2015.7256203
    ISBN: 978-1-4799-6615-8
  • N. Briest, S. Potthast and H. Garbe (2015): Extended Measurement Setup for Transient TEM-Waveguide Characterization - Kleinheubacher Tagung 2015, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., Miltenberg, Deutschland, September 2015
  • S. van de Beek, J. Dawson, L. Dawson, I. Flintoft, F. Leferink, B. Menssen, H. Garbe, N. Mora, F. Rachidi, M. Righero, M. Stojilovic and M. Rubinstein (2015): The European Project STRUCTURES: Challenges and ResultsIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Dresden, Germany, pp. 1095-1100, 16-22 Aug. 2015
    DOI: 10.1109/ISEMC.2015.7256321
    ISBN: 978-1-4799-6615-8
  • T. Peikert, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2015): Risk Analysis with a Fuzzy-Logic Approach of a complex installationKleinheubacher Tagung 2015, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., Miltenberg, Deutschland, September 2015
  • T. Peikert, S. Potthast and H. Garbe (2015): Electromagnetic Environment and Interference Risk Analysis of the Sensitivity of IT Systems under Intentional EMI Using Bayesian NetworksAdv. Radio Sci
  • T. Peikert, S. Potthast and H. Garbe (2015): A Fuzzy Approach for IEMI Risk Analysis of IT-Systems with Respect to Transient DisturbancesIEEE International Symposium in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2015 , pp.1077-1082, 16-22 Aug 2015
    DOI: 10.1109/ISEMC.2015.7256318
  • B. Menssen, F. Burghardt and H. Garbe (2014): Simulation Objects to be used as Unintentional Radiators2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC'14/Tokyo), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 37-40, 12-16 May 2014
    ISBN: 978-4-8855-2287-1
  • B. Menssen, K.-U. Rathjen, S. van de Beek, M. Mleczko, H. Garbe, S. Dickmann, F. Leferink (2014): Reference Configurations for the Characterization of Critical Infrastructures2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp.1218-1223, 1-4 Sept. 2014
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931090
  • B. Menssen, M. Mleczko, H. Garbe (2014): On the Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation for the Stochastic Assessment of Unintentional Electromagnetic RadiatorsProceedings of the XXXI URSI General Assembly 2014, Beijing, China, pp.1-4, 16-23 Aug. 2014
    DOI: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6929546
  • D. Hamann, H. Garbe (2014): Enhanced Estimates of Field Distribution's Uncertainty Contribution for TEM WaveguidesProceedings IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Raleigh, NC.
  • D. Hamann, H. Garbe, M.-B. Konerding, U. Karsten (2014): Qualifikation von TEM Wellenleitern - Eine statistische AnalyseInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 379-388.
  • D. Hamann, T. Peikert, A. S. Ostowar, H. Garbe (2014): On the Equivalent Use of TEM Waveguides for EMC Measurements and CalibrationsProceedings of the XXXI URSI General Assembly 2014, Beijing, China.
  • J. F. Dawson, I. D. Flintoft, P. Kortoci, L. Dawson, A. C. Marvin, M. P. Robinson, M. Stojilović, M. Rubinstein, B. Menssen, H. Garbe, W. Hirschi, L. Rouiller (2014): A Cost-Efficient System for Detecting an Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) Attack2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1252-1256, 1-4 Sept. 2014
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931096
  • M. Stojilović, B. Menssen, I. Flintoft, H. Garbe, J. Dawson, M. Rubinstein (2014): TDoA-Based Localisation of Radiated IEMI Sources2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1263-1268, 1-4 September 2014
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931098
  • N. Briest, S. Potthast and H. Garbe (2014): Transmission Characteristics of a TEM Waveguide for Transient Signals by the use of a Damped Sinusoidal - Kleinheubacher Tagung 2014, U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., Miltenberg, Deutschland, September 2014
  • B. Menssen ; E. Genender ; T. Peikert ; H. Garbe (2013): Derivation of a Stochastic Distribution for the Radiated Energy of Unintentional Emitters for Large Frequency Bands2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Brugge, Belgium, pp. 34-39, 2-6 Sept. 2013
  • C. Kölling, H. Garbe, S. Potthast (2013): Analysis of the Sensitivity for the TEM Cross-Correlation Method to Qualify TEM-Waveguides for UWB Measurements2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe 2013, Sept. 2013, Brugge, BE
  • D. Hamann, S. Battermann, M. Mleczko, H. Garbe (2013): Prediction of Radiated Emission for Complex Systems under Realistic Operating ConditionsProceedings IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • B. Menssen, E. Genender, A. Kreth and H. Garbe (2012): Investigation of the Frequency Correlation between Radiation Patterns of Unintentional Emitters for large Frequency Bands2012 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), Rome, Italy, pp. 1-5, 17-21 Sept. 2012
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2012.6396696
    ISBN: 978-1-4673-0718-5
  • D. Hamann, M.-B. Konerding, H. Garbe (2012): Correlation of TEM Waveguide Measurements with Respect to Effective Aperture Calculation for WaveguidesIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • M. Mleczko, S. Fisahn, H.Garbe (2012): Measurements of EMI Signals on Radio Links Based on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Wireless Devices Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE), 2012
    DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2012.6396787
    ISBN: 978-1-4673-0718-5
  • R. Rambousky, H. Garbe (2012): Analysis of Open TEM-Waveguide StructuresEUROEM 2012, Euro Electromagnetics, July 2.-6., 2012, Toulouse, France, Session HPEM-TC07-6
  • R. Rambousky, J. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2012): Matching the Termination of Radiating Non-Uniform Transmission-Lines URSI Klein Heubacher Tagung 2012, 24.-26.09.2012
  • R. Rambousky, J. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2012): Analyzing Simplified Open TEM-Waveguides Using Transmission-Line Super TheoryInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe 2012, Sept. 2012, Rome, Italy
  • Adrian Kreth, Oliver Döring, Evgeni Genender, Heyno Garbe (2011): On the Use of the Monte Carlo Method for Electromagnetic Field SimulationProceedings of the XXX URSI General Assembly 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Christian Kölling, Dirk Zamow, Heyno Garbe (2011): A Correlation Method to Extend the IEC 61000-4-20 for UWB Measurements2011 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe 2011, Sept. 2011, York, UK
  • David Hamann, Dirk Zamow, Fabian Gerschon, Heyno Garbe (2011): Design and Evaluation of a Generic EUT for the Determination of Conversion Factors According to CISPR 16-4-52011 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe 2011, Sept. 2011, York, UK
  • Dirk Zamow, David Hamann, Evgeni Genender, Heyno Garbe (2011): On Estimating the Directivity of Electrically Large Cable Dominated Desktop Systems2011 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe 2011, Sept. 2011, York, UK
  • Evgeni Genender, Adrian Kreth, Dirk Zamow, Heyno Garbe, Stefan Potthast (2011): Combination of the Failure Probability with a Random Angle of Incidence of the Radiated InterferenceProceedings of the XXX URSI General Assembly 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Genender, E.; Bell, H.; Kreth, A.; Garbe, H.; Potthast (2011): IEMI Detection Method Based on the Observation of the Network Traffic2011 Asia-Pacific EMC Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – APEMC 2011
  • Balzer, E.; Borcherding, H.; Garbe, H. (2010): Messung der Netzimpedanz im Frequenzbereich bis 20 kHz und Analyse der Oberschwingungen bis zur 200. Harmonischen in verschiedenen NiederspannungsnetzenEMV 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2010
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3206-7
  • Doering, O.; Genender, E.; Garbe, H. (2010): Multipole Parameters Out of Measurements: Uncertainty ConsiderationsEMC Europe 2010 Wroclaw, Poland, 2010, pp873-877
    ISBN: 978-83-7493-426-8
  • E. Genender, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2010): On the Use of Probabilistic Risk Analysis for IEMIAMEREM 2010, The American Electromagnetics Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Ottawa, Canada
  • Frenzel, T.; Garbe, H.; Koch, M. (2010): Rekursives Verfahren zur Abschätzung elektromagnetischer Parameter aus SchirmdämpfungsmessungenEMV 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2010, pp. 409-416
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3206-7
  • Genender, E.; Mleczko, M.; Döring, O.; Garbe, H.; Potthast (2010): Fault Tree Analysis for System Modeling in case of Intentional EMIAdvances in Radio Sciences – Vol.9 Kleinheubacher Berichte 2010
  • Genender, E.; Mleczko, M.; Döring, O.; Garbe, H.; Potthast S. (2010): On the Use of Fault Tree Analysis for IEMI1st European Workshop on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI), 10-11 November 2010, Hamburg, Germany
  • Genender, E.; Mleczko, M.; Garbe, H. (2010): Importance Analysis to Describe Reliability of SystemsEMC Europe 2010, Sept. 2010, Wroclaw, Poland, 2010, pp290-293
    ISBN: 978-83-7493-426-8
  • H. Thye, S. Sczyslo, G. Armbrecht, S. Dortmund, M. Koch, H. Garbe: (2010): Nutzung von GTEM-Zellen zur transienten Charakterisierung von UWB-Antennen EMV 2010 – Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, Germany, March 9-11, 2010
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3206-7
  • Reiser, P.; Garbe, H. (2010): Korrelation der Partiellen-Schirmungsanalyse zur SchirmdämpfungsmessungEMV 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2010, pp425-432
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3206-7
  • S. Fisahn, E. Genender, H. Garbe (2010): Estimating the Reliability of Complex Systems Against IEMI Threats by Topological Methods1st European Workshop on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI), 10-11 November 2010, Hamburg, Germany
  • S. Fisahn, E. Genender, H. Garbe (2010): Estimating the Reliability of Complex Systems Against IEMI Threats by Topological MethodsAMEREM 2010, The American Electromagnetics Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Ottawa, Canada
  • Zamow, D.; Hamann, D.; Garbe, H (2010): Susceptibility of Electrical Systems to UWB Disturbances Due to the Layout of Exit CablesAMEREM 2010, International Conference, Ottawa, Canada
  • Zamow, D.; Hamann, D.; Garbe, H. (2010): System Hardening Against IEMI by Varying the Cable Layout 1st European Workshop on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI), 10-11 November 2010, Hamburg, Germany
  • Fisahn, S.; Garbe, H. (2009): Special Coupling Effects of UWB Pulses to Short Signal TracesIEEE EMC Conference 2009, pp231-236, Austin, USA, August 2009
  • H. Thye, S. Sczyslo, G. Armbrecht, S. Dortmund, H. Garbe, (2009): Transient UWB Antenna Characterization in GTEM CellsIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2009, pp18-23, Austin, TX, August 2009
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2009): Special Coupling Effects of UWB Pulses to Short Signal Traces2009 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 17-21 August, 2009, Austin Texas, USA
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2009): Einkopplung von UWB-Pulsen in LeiterplattenSymposium EME 2009, Elektromagnetische Effekte, 14.-16. September 2009, Mannheim
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2009): Differences in the Coupling Behavior of Fast Transient Pulses to short PCB Traces2009 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Kyoto, Japan, July 20-24, 2009
  • Sabath, F.; Garbe, H. (2009): Risk Potential of Radiated HPEM EnvironmentsIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2009, Austin, Texas, 17.-21. August 2009, pp226-231
  • T. Frenzel, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2009): Bestimmung der Schirmdämpfung von Baumaterialien zum Schutz kritischer InfrastrukturenSymposium Elektromagnetische Effekte, Mannheim
  • T. Frenzel, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2009): Determination of the Transfer Function of Inhomogeneous Shielding Materials and Implementation in an Analytical ModelEMC Europe 2009, Athens, Greece, Juni 2009
  • Battermann, S.; Garbe, H.; Silva, F.; Pous, M.; Beauvois, V.;Vantomme, K.; Catrysse, J.; Newbury, J.; Degardin, V.; Lienard, M.;Degauque, P.; Flintoft, I.D.; Papatsoris, A.D.; Welsh, D.W.; Marvin,A.C.; (2008): Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of unstructured mains networks for high-speed data transmission: Part 1, Science, Measurement & Technology, IET, Volume 2, Issue 3, May 2008, Page(s):146 - 153, Digital Object Identifier 10.1049/iet-smt:20070055
  • Christopoulos C., Zhang Y., Paul J., The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Garbe H., Battermann S., Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, Skrzypczynski J., Kucharski A. A., Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, Roje V., Antonijevic S., Doric V, University of Split, Croatia, Welinder J., SP Technical ResearchInstitute of Sweden, Sweden, Rubinstein A., Rachidi F., Swiss FederalInstitute of Technology, Switzerland, Beauvois V., Renard M., BeertenP., University of Liège, Belgium, Lamedschwandner K., PreinederH., Cecil S., Nakovits T., Austrian Research Centers GmbH -- ARC, Austria, (2008): Near-field coupling of wireless devices and long communications cables, IET Science, Measurement & Technology -- January 2008 -- Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 18-24
  • D. Zamow, H. Thye, H. Garbe (2008): Applicability of the IEC 61000-4-20 for Transient Testing with UWB Signals, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2008), Hamburg, Germany, 8.-12. September, 2008 |weitere Informationen|
  • E. Genender, C. L. Holloway, K. A. Remley, J. M. Ladbury, G. H. Koepke and H. Garbe (2008): Use of Reverberation Chamber to Simulate the Power Delay Profile of a Wireless Environment, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2008), Hamburg, Germany, 8.-12. September, 2008 (Best Paper Award)
  • H. Garbe, S. Battermann (2008): Converting Total-Radiated-Power Measurementsto Equivalent E-Field DataIEEE EMC Symposium 2008, Detroit, USA, August 18-22
  • H. Herlemann, S. Fisahn, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2008): Effects of Shielding Enclosures on the Breakdown Failure Rate of Electronic EquipmentEMC Europe 2008, 8th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 8-12 September 2008, Hamburg, Germany
  • H. Thye, D. Zamow, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2008): Aspects of Using the IEC 61000-4-20 for Transient Testing with Broadband SignalsIEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2008, Detroit, USA, 18.-22. August 2008
  • P. Reiser, H. Garbe (2008): Untersuchung der Schirmdämpfung bei der Resonanzfrequenz eines SchlitzesEMV 2008, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2008, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3075-9, pp. 687-694.
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2008): Influence of the Receiving Antenna Pattern on the Site VSWR Validation Procedure above 1 GHzIEEE EMC Symposium 2008, Detroit, USA, August 18-22
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2008): Influencing Factors and Possible Improvements for Emission Measurements Above 1 GHzEMC Europe 2008, Hamburg, Germany, September 2008
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2008): Bestimmung der Hf-Symmetrie des NiederspannungsnetzesEMV 2008, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf2008, Februar 19.-21, VDE Verlag GMBH, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3075-9, pp.737-744
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2008): Di fferent Coupling Behavior of NEMP and UWB Pulses to PCB tracesEUROEM 2008, Euro Electromagnetics, 21-25 July 2008, Laussane, Switzerland
  • S. Korte, F. Sabath, H. Garbe (2008): Analytical Estimation of the Threat of IEMI to Electronic SystemsURSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 2008. Available online in April 2009.
  • S. Korte, H. Garbe (2008): Evaluation of the Disturbing Potential of IEMI using Mathematical Norms and Analytical CalculationsEMC Europe, Hamburg, Germany, September 2008. ISBN 978-3-930400-60-7, pp. 503-508
  • Tankielun, T. Mager, G. Schubert, T. Steinecke, W. John, H. Garbe (2008): Overview of Major Challenges and Applications for Vector EMI Scanner19th Int. Wroclaw Symp. on EMC, Wroclaw, June 2008
  • G. Cerri, H. Herlemann, V. M. Primiani, H. Garbe (2007): Short Pulse Measurements by Field Sensors with ArbitraryFrequency ResponseUltra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1. Auflage, 2007, ISBN 0-387377-28-X, pp.562-570
  • O. Gleiche, H. Thye, K. Delto, H. Garbe (2007): The Pupils' Laboritory TechLab - A Bridge between School and Engineering Science, International IEEE/VDE-Conference "Meeting the Growing Demand forEngineers and Their Educators", Munich, Germany, 9.-11. Nov. 2007 |weitere Informationen|
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2007): Characterization of the Mains Network for PLC applicationsEMC Europe Workshop, Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, France, Paris, 14.-15.06.2007
  • S. Battermann,H. Garbe (2007): Time Domain Measurements to Validate Test Site CharacteristicsUltra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, SpringerScience+Business Media, New York Inc., April 2007, ISBN978-0-387-37728-5, pp. 561-568
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2007): Coupling of Transient Electromagnetic Fields to a Generic Missile Enclosure via Aperture and Wire PenetrationEMC Europe Workshop, 14-15 June, 2007, Paris, France
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2007): Penetration of UWB Pulses into a Generic Missile EnclosureNATO SCI Symposium on High Power Microwaves, Threat to Infrastructure and Military Equipment, 15-17 October 2007, Mannheim, Germany
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe, F. Sabath (2007): Protective Properties of a Generic Missile Enclosure to different Electromagnetic Influences2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 9-13 July 2007, Honolulu Hawaii, USA
  • S. Korte, H. Garbe, (2007): Susceptibility of Electronic Devices to Variable Transient SpectraIEEE International Symposium on EMC, Honolulu, USA, July 2007. ISBN 1-4244-1349-4 / 1-4244-1350-8
  • S. Korte, O. Döring, H. Garbe, (2007): Near Field Scanning of Transient Signal Propagation in Electronic CircuitsEMC Europe Workshop: Safety, Reliability and Security of Communication and Transportation Systems, Paris, France, June 2007
  • A. Tankielun, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe, W. John (2006): Erhöhung der Ortsauflösung von Nahfeldmessungen durch eine inverse FaltungsoperationElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit: EMV 2006, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 7.-9. März 2006, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Battermann, S., Schrader, T., Garbe, H. (2006): Verfahren zur Detektion von Fehlstellen auf elektrisch leitenden oder dielektrischen Ebenen und Testeinrichtung hierzuOffenlegungsschrift Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE102004037718A1, Offenlegungstag 23.02.2006
  • J. Müller, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2006): Characterization of a leaky line antenna for wireless communicationsEMC Europe 2006, 7th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 4-8 September 2006, Spain,Barcelona
  • P. Reiser, H. Garbe, D. Giselbrecht (2006): Steigerung der Empfindlichkeit bei Nah-Feld-Messungen an MetallgehäusenEMV 2006, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2006, ISBN: 3-8007-2933-4
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2006): Interference Potential of PLC and Measurement of MainsCharacteristicsEMC Wroclaw, 18th International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility, Wroclaw 28.-30.6.2006
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe, L. Dunker (2006): Messtechnische Beschreibung des Niederspannungsnetzes imStörkopplungsmodellEMV 2006, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress fürElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf2006, März 07-09, ISBN: 3-8007-2933-4, pp. 497-504
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe, L. Dunker (2006): Measurement Method to describe the Attenuation Characteristics ofthe Mains NetworkEMC Europe, Int. Symposium on EMC, Spain,Barcelona, 04.-08.09.2006, pp. 414-419, ISBN: 84-689-9438-3
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2006): Protective Properties of a Missile Enclosure against Electromagnetic InfluencesKleinheubacher Tagung (URSI), 25. - 29. September 2006, Miltenberg,Germany
  • S. Korte, H. Garbe (2006): Störwirkungsanalyse transienter elektromagnetischer Feldimpulse auf integrierteSchaltungenCOMSOL Anwenderkonferenz, Frankfurt/Main, Oktober 2006. ISBN 3-00-019129-1, pp. 26-31
  • S.Korte, H. Garbe (2006): Alteration of Transient Susceptibility of Electronic Devices by Variation of PulseRepetitionRateIEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium with USNC/URSI NationalRadioScience and AMEREM Meetings, Albuquerque, USA, July 2006. ISBN1-4244-0123-2
  • S.Korte, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2006): Emulation of Transient Field Coupling into Electronic SystemsIEEEAntennas and Propagation Society International Symposium with USNC/URSI National Radio Science and AMEREM Meetings, Albuquerque,USA,July 2006. ISBN 1-4244-0123-2
  • S.Korte,H. Garbe, F.Sabath (2006): Influence of RepetitivePulses on the Breakdown Behavior of ElectronicsEMC Europe, Int. Symposium on EMC, Spain,Barcelona, 04.-08.09.2006, ISBN 84-689-9438-3, pp.91-96
  • Tankielun, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe, W. John (2006): Calibration of electric probes for post-processing of near-field scanning dataElectromagnetic Compatibility, 2006. EMC 2006. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on , vol.1, no.pp. 119- 124, 14-18 Aug. 2006
  • M. Al-Hamid, S. Fisahn, J. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2005): Einfluss der Beladung einer TEMZelle mit einem Dipol auf ihr EMV-VerhaltenKleinheubacher Tagung (URSI), 26.-30. September 2005, Miltenberg, Germany
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe, F. Sabath (2005): Coupling of Transient Ultra Wide Band Electro-magnetic Fields to Complex Electronic SystemsElectromagnetic Compatibility, 2005 IEEE International Symposium on , Vol.: 2, Chicago 2005
  • S. Battermann, F. W. Trautnitz, H. Garbe (2005): New Standards for the Validationof EMC Test Sites particularly above 1 GHz, Full paper, ARS - Volume 3, AEElektromagnetische Felder, Einkopplung & Interferenzen, Page(s) 111-117. SRef-ID: 1684-9973/ars/2005-3-111
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2005): Sensitivity of a short-wave receiving station regarding PLCtransmissionSession 1: Broadband Powerline Communications [BPC], 16th Int. ZurichSymposium on EMC 2005, Zürich
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2005): Influence of PLC transmission on the sensitivity of a short-wavereceiving stationPower Line Communications and Its Applications, 2005 InternationalSymposium on, 6-8 April, 2005 Page(s):224 - 227 Digital ObjectIdentifier 10.1109/ISPLC.2005.1430501
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2005): A new measurement method to characterize ground planesElectromagnetic Compatibility, 2005, EMC 2005, 2005 International Symposium on Volume 1, 8-12 Aug. 2005 Page(s):234 -- 238
  • S.Fisahn, M.Camp, H.Garbe (2005): Transient Emission behavior of Leaky Section Cablesfor Wireless Applications2005 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 8-12 August 2005,Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • S.Korte, M. Camp, H. Garbe (2005): Hardwareand Software Simulation of Transient Pulse Impact on Integrated CircuitsBest Student Paper Award Nomination,IEEEInternational EMC Symposium,Chicago, USA, August 2005.ISBN 0-7803-9380-5, pp. 489-494
  • S.Korte, M. Koch, H. Garbe (2005): Nachbildungder Einkopplung transienter Feldimpulse in elektronische SystemeWehrtechnisches Symposium elektromagnetische Effekte - EME 2005,Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik, Mannheim,September 2005
  • T. Schrader, K. Münter, S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2005): Measured Response of Local,Mid-range and Far-range Discontinuities of Large Metal Groundplanes using Time Domain Techniques, Full paperARS - Volume 3, AEElektromagnetische Felder, Einkopplung & Interferenzen, Page(s)99-103. SRef-ID: 1684-9973/ars/2005-3-99
  • Tankielun, U. Keller, W. John, H. Garbe (2005): Complex Deconvolution for Improvement of Standard Monopole Near-Field Measurement Results16th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 2005, Zürich, February, 2005
  • A. Knobloch, H. Garbe (2004): Bestimmung der Kopplungsdämpfung in einer GTEM-Zelle EMV 2004, 12. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress fürElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2004,Februar 10-12, ISBN: 3-8007-2810-9, pp. 601-608
  • D.Nitsch, M.Camp, F.Sabath, J.L.Haseborg, H.Garbe (2004): Susceptibility of Some Electronic Equipment to HPEM Threats IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRO-MAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO.3, August 2004, pp. 380-389
  • G. Cerri, H. Herlemann, V. M. Primiani, H. Garbe (2004): Short Pulse Measurements by Field Sensors with ArbitraryFrequency Response EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, July 12.-16., 2004,Magdeburg, Germany, Session UWB 11-2, Book of Abstracts, ISBN3-929757-73-7
  • H. Garbe (2004): Open TEM-Waveguides for Transient TestingEMC Europe 2004, Eindhoven, Vol. 3, September 2004, W8.3, pp 171 - 178
  • H. Garbe, M. Koch (2004): Radiated Emission and Immunity Measurements with TEM-Wave guidesWorkshop York
  • H. Herlemann, S. Korte, M. Camp, H. Garbe, M. Koch, F. Sabath (2004): Schirmung von elektronischen Systemen gegen transienteelektromagnetische Störgrößen Kleinheubacher Tagung (URSI) 27. September - 01. Oktober 2004,Miltenberg, Germany, Session E.2 Schirmung im Zeit- undFrequenzbereich
  • J. Bredemeyer, S. Battermann, H. Garbe, J. Ritter (2004): Antenna Installed Performance of a Flight Inspection Aircraft Int. Symp. on Precision Approach and Automatic Landing - ISPA2004 - 05.-06. Okt. 2004, Munich, Germany
  • Knobloch, H. Garbe (2004): Screening Attenuation of Coaxial Cables Measured in GTEM-CellsEMC'04 Sendai, pp617- 620, IEICE, Tokyo, June 2004
  • M.Camp, D.Nitsch, F.Sabath, J.L.Haseborg, H.Garbe (2004): Susceptibility of Some Electronic Equipment to HPEM Threats System Design and Assessment Notes 2004, Note 37, USA Air ForceResearch Laboratory, 2004, Feb. 28
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2004): Vulnerability of Electronic Circuits to Electromagnetic Pulseswith Spectral Components above 1 GHz EMC Society of Australia Newsletter, Australia, März 2004, IssueNr. 25, pp. 6-13
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2004): Reproducibility of the Destruction Effects in integrated Circuits Best Paper Award Nomination, International Symposium onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Sendai - Japan 2004, June 1-4,ISBN: 4-88552-205-6, pp. 437-440
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2004): Parameter Estimation of Double Exponential Pulses (EMP, UWB) withLeast Squares and Nelder Mead Algorithm IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO. 4,November 2004
  • M.Camp, H.Gerth, H.Garbe, H.Haase (2004): Predicting the Breakdown Behavior of Microcontrollers underEMP/UWB Impact Using a Statistical Analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO.3, August 2004, pp. 369-379
  • M.Camp, S.Korte, H.Garbe (2004): Classification of the Destruction Effects in CMOS-Devices afterImpact of Fast Transient Electromagnetic Pulses EUROEM: 14th High Power Electromagnetics Conference (HPEM 14),7th Ultra-Wide-Band Short-Pulse EM Conference (UWB SP7), 7thUnexploded Ordnance Detection and Range Remediation Conference(UXO 7), Magdeburg 2004, Juli 12 - 16
  • P. Reiser, H. Garbe, S. Börnick (2004): Einfluss von Resonanzen des Messaufbaus bei der SchirmdämpfungsmessungEMV Düsseldorf 2004, 02/, S591-600, VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2004
  • S. Battermann, F. W. Trautnitz, H. Garbe (2004): Neue Normen für die Validierung von EMV Messplätzeninsbesondereim GHz-Bereich Kleinheubacher Tagung (URSI) 27. September - 01. Oktober 2004,Miltenberg, Altes Rathaus
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2004): Messungen auf skalierten Freifeldmessplätzen für denFrequenzbereich bis 100 MHz EMV 2004, 12. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress fürElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2004,Februar 10-12, ISBN: 3-8007-2810-9, pp. 55-62
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2004): Influence of the ground plane geometry on the normalized siteattenuation of an OATS IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004, June20-25, 2004, Monterey, USA, Volume: 1, Pages: 503 - 506
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2004): Time Domain Measurements to Validate Test Site Characteristics EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, July 12.-16., 2004,Magdeburg, Germany, Session UWB 11-5, Book of Abstracts, ISBN3-929757-73-7
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2004): Measurement and calculation of effects on the electric field dueto the limited size of an open area test site EMC Europe 2004 : International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility September 6-10, 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,Session C0, ISBN 90-6144-990-1, Vol. 1, pp. 116-120
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2004): FAR Validation Techniques and Measurements above 1GHz EMC Europe 2004 : International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility September 6-10, 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,Session T2.4 (TUT-509), ISBN 90-6144-990-1, Vol. 3, pp. 313-318
  • S. Battermann. H. Garbe (2004): Time Domain measurements to detect defects on OATS 2004 International Conference and Exhibition, July 1-2, 2004,York, England, Session 2B, Electromagnetic Measurements,Conference Proceedings, ISBN 1-902009-13-4
  • S.Fisahn, M.Camp, N.Riera Díaz, R.Kebel, H.Garbe (2004): General Analysis of Leaky Section Cables for Multi-Band Aircraft Cabin Communications with different Measurement Techniques EUROEM 2004 : 14th High Power Electromagnetics Conference (HPEM 14),7th Ultra-Wide-Band Short-Pulse EM Conference (UWB SP7), 7thUnexploded Ordnance Detection and Range Remediation Conference(UXO 7), 12-16 July, Magdeburg, Germany
  • U. Paoletti, H. Garbe, W. John (2004): Measurement Technique for the Shielding Effectiveness of Symmetric Enclosures with the use of the Image TheoryEMC'04 Sendai, pp621- 624, IEICE, Tokyo, June 2004
  • U. Paoletti, U. Keller, H. Garbe, W. John (2004): A BiCG-FFT Method and Measurement Results for Well Conducting Enclosures with many Apertures EMC Europe 2004, Eindhoven, Vol. 1, September 2004, pp 301 - 306
  • A. Knobloch, H. Garbe (2003): Bit error rates due to CW-interference 15th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 2003, Zürich, pp. 527-532,February 2003
  • H. Garbe (2003): Physikalische Grundlagen der klassischen EMV-FeldmessverfahrenGMM-Workshop 10/2003, Seiten 7- 47, GMM-Fachbericht, ISBN 3-8007-2794-3
  • H. Garbe, P. Wilson, C. Holloway, M. Heidemann (2003): Workshop: Emission Measurements with Alternative Methods,Modelling of EUT 15th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 2003, Zürich, Supplement pp.181-186, 3W3, February 2003, ISBN 3-9521199-8-9
  • M. Al-Hamid, M. Heidemann, H. Garbe (2003): A Novel Approach to Identify Higher Order Modes in TEM Cells 2003 IEEE International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility, Istanbul, 11.-16. Mai 2003, Symposium Record,session TU-A-R3-4, paper #624, ISBN 0-7803-7780-X
  • M. Heidemann, H. Garbe (2003): Using TEM waveguides according to the new IEC61000-4-20 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,Istanbul, 11.-16. Mai 2003, Symposium Record, session TU-A-R3-5,paper #272, ISBN 0-7803-7780-X
  • M. Heidemann, P. Kralicek, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2003): Parameterization of a PCB-Emission Model by MeasurementEMC Zurich 2003, 15th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 18-20 February 2003, Zurich, Switzerland
  • M. Koch, M. Camp, R. Kebel, H. Garbe, F. Sabath, D. Nitsch (2003): Protection Properties of Advanced Textile Shields determined inFrequency and Time Domain 15th International Zürich Symposium, Technical Exhibition onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz, Zürich 2003, feb.18-20,ISBN: 3-9521199-7-0, pp. 137-142
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2003): Empfindlichkeit von PC-Systemen gegen transiente Störgrößen doppeltexponentieller Form Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung, Miltenberg, 29. Sept. - 2. Okt. 2003,Berichtsband, T-Nova, Darmstadt 2003
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2003): Influence of Operation- and Program-States on the BreakdownEffects of Electronics by Impact of EMP and UWB IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,Türkei, Istanbul 2003, May 11-16, IEEE Catalog Number: 03EX666C,ISBN: 0-7803-7780-X
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2003): Zerstörungsmechanismen in Halbleitern bei Beaufschlagung mittransienten elektromagnetischen Feldimpulsen EMC Kompendium 2003, Publish-industry Verlag GmbH, München, ISBN:3-934698-10-7, pp. 98
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2003): Wenn der Chip streikt - Der Ausfall mikroelektronischerSchaltungen kann weit reichende Konsequenzen haben UNI-Magazin Hannover, Ausgabe 1/2-2003, pp. 34-37
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2003): Optimizing an Open Area Test Site for horizontal and verticalPolarisation 15th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 2003, Zürich, Proceedings pp.353-358, February 2003, ISBN 3-9521199-7-0
  • H. Garbe (2002): TEM FacilitiesEMC Europe 2002, Sorrento, WS2, pp171-184 , September, 2002
  • H. Garbe (2002): Emission Measurement of PCB/ICs for System AnalysisEMC Europe 2002, Sorrento, WS1, pp143-150 , September, 2002
  • H. Garbe (2002): Influence of Realistic Spectral Transfer Function to Time Domain Measurements27th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, NL, August 02
  • H. Garbe (2002): Numerische FeldberechnungsverfahrenWorkshop EMVZ-Berlin-Brandenburg, Dezember 2002
  • H. Garbe (2002): Comparing Emission Measurement by Using the Total-Radiated Power MethodEMC Europe 2002, Sorrento, WS5, pp373-380 , September, 2002
  • H. Garbe. C. Groh (2002): Calculating the Usable Frequency Range of TEM-Waveguides 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, NL, August 02
  • H.Garbe, M.Camp (2002): Susceptibility of Different Semiconductor Technologies to EMP andUWB XXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of RadioScience (URSI) 2002 , Niederlande, Maastricht 2002, August 17-24
  • Knobloch, H. Garbe (2002): Critical review of converting spectral data into prospective bit error ratesElectromagnetic Compatibility, 2002 IEEE International Symposium on , Vol.: 1 , pp 173-178, Minneapolis 2002
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe, D. Nitsch (2002): Empfindlichkeit von Elektronik bei EMP/UWB-Beaufschlagung EMC Kompendium 2002, Publish-industry Verlag GmbH, München
  • M. Camp, H. Garbe, M. Koch, R. Kebel (2002): EMP/UWB-Protection of Electronics with Conductive TextilsAMEREM 2002 Symposium, Aannapolis, USA , June 2002
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe (2002): Einfluss von Schaltungstechnologien (TTL, CMOS) auf die Ausfallund Zerstörungseffekte von Halbleitern bei EMP/UWB-Beaufschlagung Symposium EMV 2002, Deutschland, Mannheim 2002, Sept. 30 - Okt. 2
  • M.Camp, H.Garbe, D.Nitsch (2002): Influence of the Technology on the Destruction Effects ofSemiconductors by Impact of EMP and UWB Pulses 2002 IEEE EMC Symposium, USA, Minneapolis 2002, August 19-23
  • P. Reiser, H. Garbe (2002): Messverfahren zur Wartung von geschirmten GehäusenEMV 2002 Düsseldorf, pp 83-92, VDE Verlag, 2002
  • S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2002): Effects of Realistic Groundplanes to NSA-measurements of OpenArea Test SiteXXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of RadioScience (URSI) 2002 , Niederlande, Maastricht 2002, August 17-24
  • S. Battermann, M. Al-Hamid, H. Garbe (2002): Einfluss von Form und Größe der Groundplane auf die NSAdesFreifeldmessplatzes EMV 2002-Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress fürElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf2002,April 9-11
  • U. Keller, H. Garbe, W. John (2002): Verfahren zur effizienten Charakterisierung von Leiterplatten für die Systemsimulation mit der MomentenmethodeEMV 2002 Düsseldorf, pp 199-206, VDE Verlag, 2002
  • A. Knobloch, H. Garbe (2001): Worst-Case-Leistungsdichtespektrn von Codierungen mittelsLeitungscodes und Modulation Kleinheubacher Berichte Band 44, T-Nova, Darmstadt pp. 64-71, 2001
  • C.Mojert, D.Nitsch, H.Friedhoff, J.Maak, F.Sabath, M.Camp, H.Garbe (2001): UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Microprocessors and Networks, 14thInternational Zürich Symposium Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz,Zürich 2001, feb.20-22 ISBN: 3-9521199-5-4, Nr. 9B4
  • D.Nitsch, H.Friedhoff, J.Maak, F.Sabath, M.Camp, H.Garbe, C.Mojert (2001): UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Microprocessors and Networks 14th International Zürich Symposium & Technical Exhibition onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz, Zürich 2001, feb.20-22ISBN: 3-9521199-5-4, Nr. 9B4
  • H. Garbe, M. Heidemann, P. Kralicek (2001): Getting Data for System Integration from Radiation Measurementsin TEM Waveguides 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference AP-RASC'01, Tokyo,August 2001
  • J. P. Kärst, Ch. Groh, H. Garbe (2001): Field Mode Properties of loaded TEM Waveguides 14th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 2001, Zürich, pp. 481-486,February 2001
  • M. Al-Hamid, A. Knobloch, H. Garbe (2001): Simulation der Schirmdämpfung einer verlustbehafteten Strukturdurch Blitzeinschläge Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung, Kleinheubach, September 2001
  • M. Al-Hamid, S. Battermann, H. Garbe (2001): Influence on the Measured Electrical Field Strength by the Rimand Size of Limited Conducting Planes EMC Society of Australia Newsletter, Issue Nr. 14, May 2001
  • M. Camp, D. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2001): Mikroprozessorboards unter EMP/UWB-Belastung EMC Kompendium 2001, Publish-industry Verlag GmbH, München,ISBN: 3934698026
  • M. Camp, D. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2001): UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Modern Electronics 2001 IEEE EMC Symposium, Montreal 2001, August 13-17
  • M. Heidemann, H. Garbe (2001): Emissionsmessung in TEM-Zellen XV. Messtechnisches Symposium des AK der Hochschullehrer fürMesstechnik, S. 9-16, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8265-9122-4,Sept. 2001
  • M. Heidemann, M. Koch, J. P. Kaerst, H. Garbe (2001): Mode Coupling Theory for Coaxial TEM-Cells 14th International Zurich Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility 2001, Zürich, 20-22. Feb. 2001, Tagungsband S.487-492, ISBN 3-9521 199-5-4
  • P. Kralicek, De Smedt, W. John, H. Garbe (2001): Modeling Electromagnetic Emission of Integrated Circuits forSystem Analysis DATE 2001, pp336-340, Munich, March, 2001
  • P. Kralicek, W. John, R. De Smedt, K. Vervoort, H. Garbe (2001): A voltage controlled emission model of electromagnetic emissionof IC for system analysis Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2001, International Symposium onEMC, Vol. 2, 2001, Page(s): 1197-1202, Montreal 2001, August 13-17
  • U. Keller, P. Kralicek, M. Faferko, W. John, H. Garbe (2001): EMI Component Model for PCB Analysis 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference AP-RASC'01, Tokyo,August 2001
  • U. Keller, W. John, H. Garbe (2001): Reduction of MOM matrix dimension by transmission line andcircuit theory Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2001, International Symposium onEMC, Vol. 1, 2001, Page(s): 605-610, Montreal 2001, August 13-17
  • A. Knobloch, H. Garbe (2000): Leistungsdichtespektren verschiedener Leitungscodes basierend aufQuasizufallsfolgen EMV 2000, Düsseldorf, Februar 2000
  • C. Groh, J. P. Kärst, H. Garbe (2000): Einfluss der Beladung auf die Feldmoden in TEM Wellenleitern EMV 2000, Düsseldorf, Februar 2000
  • H. Garbe (2000): TEM Waveguides: An Evaluation of Their Applicability for EMITesting Compliance Engineering, Vol. XVII, No. 7, pp60-70, September, 2000
  • M. Camp, D. Nitsch, H. Garbe (2000): UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Modern Microprocessor Boards 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brügge2000, sept.11-15, ISBN:9076019142
  • M. Heidemann, H. Garbe (2000): Improvement of GTEM to OATS Correlation 2000 IEEEInternational Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Washington D.C., 21.-25.08.2000, Tagungsband Vol. 2, S. 909-914,ISBN 0-7803-5677-2
  • M. Heidemann, H. Garbe, R. Kebel (2000): Calculation of Electromagnetically and Thermally Coupled Fieldsin Real Soil Decontamination 15th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,Wroclaw 27.-30.6.2000, Tagungsband S. 289-293, ISBN 83-901999-8-1
  • P. Kralicek, W. John, H. Garbe (2000): Modellierung der Abstrahlung von integrierten Schaltungen zurSystemanalyse EMV 2000, Düsseldorf, Februar 2000
  • C. Groh, H. Garbe (1999): Effekte der Beladung von TEM-Zellen 8. EMV-Symposium, BAKWVT, Mannheim, September, 1999
  • C. Groh, M. Koch, H. Garbe (1999): Higher Order Mode Behaviour in Loaded and Unloaded TEM Cells Int. IEEE EMC Symosium., Seattle, USA, pp, August, 1999
  • Ch. Groh, J.P. Kaerst, M. Koch, H. Garbe (1999): TEM Waveguides for EMC Measurements IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp440-445, November 1999
  • H. Garbe, K. H. Gonschorek, J. L. ter Haseborg (1999): Scientific EMC Work in Germany IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 400-402, November 1999
  • J. P. Kärst, H. Garbe (1999): Wavelet basierte Analyse von TDR-Messungen 8. EMV-Symposium, BAKWVT, Mannheim, September, 1999
  • J. P. Kärst, H. Garbe (1999): Investigation of Load Scattering in TEM Waveguides using TimeDomain Reflectometry Int. Symposium on EMC, Magdeburg, October, 1999
  • J.P.Kärst, H. Garbe (1999): Characterization of Loaded TEM-Waveguides Using Time-DomainReflectometry Int. IEEE EMC Symposium., Seattle, USA, pp, August, 1999
  • M. Koch, C. Groh, H. Garbe (1999): Exact Determination of Resonant Frequencies in TEM cells 13th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 1999, Zürich, pp. 653-658, February, 1999
  • M. Koch, C. Groh, H. Garbe (1999): Berechnung der Resonanzfrequenzen einer großen TEM-Zelle 8. EMV-Symposium, BAKWVT, Mannheim, September, 1999
  • M. Koch, Ch. Groh, H. Garbe (1999): Resonant Frequencies of H- E-Modes in a large GTEM Cell Int. Symposium on EMC, Magdeburg, October, 1999
  • Mrozynski, V. Schulz, H. Garbe (1999): A Benchmark Catalog for Numerical Field Calculations with Respectto EMC Problems Int. IEEE EMC Symosium., Seattle, USA, pp, August, 1999
  • P. Kralicek, F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1999): Validation of a Hybrid MoM-MTL Method Calculating Complex Structures on PCBs 13th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 1999, Zürich, pp. 257-262, February, 1999
  • A. Knobloch, H. Garbe, J.P. Kärst (1998): Shielded or Unshielded Twisted-Pair for High Speed Data Transmission? Int. IEEE EMC Symposium., Denver, USA, pp 774-779, August, 1998
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1998): Analyse von Leiterplatten mit einem automatisierten hybriden Feldsimulationstool Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp307-314, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1998): The Analysis of PCB Layout Using a Hybrid MoM-MTL Method Int. IEEE EMC Symposium., Denver, USA, pp 112-117, August, 1998
  • J. P. Kärst, M. Koch, H. Garbe (1998): Vergleich der Feldhomogenität verschiedener Wellemleiter Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp291-298, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
  • John, M. Ramme, F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1998): Integration des Leiterplattenentwurfs in die EMV-gerechte Systementwicklung Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp351-358, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
  • M. Koch, C. Groh, H. Garbe (1998): Analytische Berechnung der Resonanzfrequenzen von TEM-Zellen Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung, Kleinheubach, Oktober 1998
  • M. Koch, H. Garbe (1998): Analytische und numerische Parameterstudien in TEM-Zellen rechteckförmigen Querschnitts Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp255-262, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
  • F. Sabath, A. Seggelke, H. Garbe (1997): Ansätze zur Messung von Objekten mit Richtcharakteristik Disk. Sitzung ITDG/VDE, Günzburg, October, 1997
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1997): A Hybrid Method Based on the Multiconductor Transmission Line Equation and the Method of Moments Workshop at EMC Zurich '97, Switzerland, February 18 - 20, 1997
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1997): Prediction of errors due to ignoring coupling between signal traces Int. IEEE EMC Symp., Austin, USA, August, 1997
  • F. Sabath, H. Garbe (1997): Entwicklung eines hybriden Feldsimulationstools zur Strahlungsanalyse von Leiterplatten Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung October 1997
  • F.Sabath, H. Garbe (1997): Prediction of errors due to ignoring fieldcoupling on printed circuit boards EMC Zurich '97, Switzerland, February 18 - 20, 1997
  • H. Garbe (1997): Beurteilungskriterien für TEM-, GTEM Zellen und andere TEM Wellenleiter EMC'97 Dresden, Germany, March, 1997
  • H. Garbe (1997): Field Homogeneity in Different TEM Waveguides EMC Symposium, University of Magdeburg, June, 1997
  • H. Garbe (1997): Normenkonforme Tests in TEM-Zellen? EMC Journal 4/97, pp36-40, KM Verlagsgesellschaft, München, October 1997
  • H. Garbe (1997): Beurteilungskriterien für TEM-, GTEM-Zellen und andere TEM-Wellenleiter Disk. Sitzung ITDG/VDE, Günzburg, October, 1997
  • H. Garbe, M. Koch, H. Haase (1997): Specification of alternative test sites with respect to given EMC field standards EMC Zurich '97, Switzerland, February 18 - 20, 1997
  • H. Garbe, W. John, F. Sabath, M. Ramme (1997): Integration des Leiterplattenentwurfs in die EMV-gerechte Systementwicklung Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung October 1997
  • H. Thielen, H. Garbe (Hrsg) (1997): COST 243 Workshop: EMC in Telecommunication Networks and EMC on Printed Circuit Boards and Their Enclosures COST Workshop, Paderborn, April 1997, ISBN 3-00-002067-5
  • M. Koch, A. Knobloch, C. Gessner, H. Garbe (1997): Disturbances in Telecommunication Systems due to Digital Services COST Workshop 243, Paderborn, April 1997, ISBN 3-00-002067-5
  • M. Koch, H. Garbe (1996): Geometrieabhängige Modenanalyse einer vollständigen TEM-Zelle EMV96, Karlsruhe, Februar 1996
  • R. Kebel, H. Garbe (1996): Schirmdämpfung von Kleingehäusen EMV96, Karlsruhe, Februar 1996
  • R. Kebel, H. Garbe, M. Rose (1996): Schirmdämpfung von Kleingehäusen ELEKTRIE 4-8/96, Berlin, 50. Jahrg. (1996), S. 208-213
  • H. Garbe (1995): Alternative Feldmeßverfahren mit TEM-Zellen - Theorie und Praxis 1. EMC Forum Paderborn, JESSI-Projekt AC 5, Paderborn, Dezember 1995
  • H. Thielen, H. Garbe (Hrsg) (1995): Numerical Methods and Their ApplicationsProceedings of COST 243 Workshop, Hamburg, Juni 1995, ISBN 3-87990-075-2
  • M. Koch, H. Garbe (1995): Investigation of Field Distortion in a TEM-Waveguide EMC Zurich '95, Switzerland, March 7-9,1995

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • B. Menßen, T. Peikert und H.Garbe (2016): Automatisiertes Messverfahren zur Bestimmung von Antennendiagrammen in einem TEM WellenleiterInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 131-138
    ISBN: 978-3-86359-396-4
  • C. Siebauer, T. Peikert, H. Garbe und S. Potthast (2016): Realisierung von einfachen Quellen zur Untersuchung der Störfestigkeit von IT-NetzwerkenInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 19-26
    ISBN: 978-3-86359-396-4
  • H. Brech, B. Menßen und H. Garbe (2016): Messtechnische Verifikation der Eigenschaft „Unintentional Radiator“ für ein reales ObjektInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 61-70
    ISBN: 978-3-86359-396-4
  • M. Rogowski, T. Peikert, H. Garbe und S. Potthast (2016): Auswirkungen von Kühlkörpern auf das Ausfallverhalten von ICsInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 45-52
    ISBN: 978-3-86359-396-4
  • N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): N. Briest, H. Garbe and S. Potthast (2016): Quantifizierung der Formveränderung beliebiger transienter Signale in TEM Wellenleitern, Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik - AHMT '16, pp. 45-52, Hannover, Germany, September 2016
    ISBN: 987-3-11-049487-7
  • S. Koj, S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2016): Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung von hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Emissionen von WindkraftanlagenInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV 2016), pp. 327-334, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, Februar 2016, nominiert für den Young Engineer Award
    ISBN: 978-3-86359-396-4
  • A. Kreth, T. Peikert, B. Menßen, H. Garbe (2014): Characteristic HPEM Signals for the Detection of IEMI ThreatsUltra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 10, pp 379-392, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2014
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-9500-0
    ISBN: 978-1-4614-9500-0
  • E. Genender, S. Fisahn, S. Potthast, H. Garbe (2014): On the use of probabilistic risk analysis for intentional electromagnetic interferenceUltra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 10, pp 279-287, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2014
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-9500-0-25
    ISBN: 978-1-4614-9500-0
  • T. Peikert, A. Kreth, S. Potthast, H. Garbe (2014): Die Schutzwirkung von IT-Schaltnetzteilen gegenüber leitungs-geführten Störungen auf der NetzspannungInternationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf, Seiten 723-730
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3577-8
  • Deperschmidt, M.; Koch, M.;Garbe, H. (2012): Analyse des Ausfallverhaltens drahtloser Datenübertragungsnetze in sicherheitskritischen VerkehrsinfrastrukturenEMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2012, pp. 607-616
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3405-4
  • Garbe, H. (Hrsg.) (2012): EMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3405-4
  • Rambousky, R.; Koch, M.; Garbe, H. (2012): Resonanzverhalten in geschlossenen und seitlich offenen TEM-WellenleiternEMV 2012, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2012, pp. 561-568
  • S. Fisahn, H. Garbe (2010): Unterschiedliches Einkoppelverhalten von (N)EMP- und UWB-Impulsen in kurze LeiterbahnenElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit: EMV 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 9.-11. März 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
    ISBN: 978-380073206-7
  • H. Haase, H. Garbe (2007): Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Übungsaufgaben mit LösungenSchöneworth Hannover, 2. korrigierte Aufl., Okt. 2007, 420 Seiten, 405 Abbildungen, 168 Aufgaben, ISBN 3-9808805-3-2
  • S. Fisahn, M. Camp, N. Riera Diaz, R. Kebel, H. Garbe (2007): General Analysis of Leaky Section Cables for Multiband Aircraft Cabin CommunicationUltra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, pp 509-516, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, USA, 2007
  • H. Haase, H. Garbe, H. Gerth (2004): Grundlagen der ElektrotechnikSchöneworthVerlag Hannover 2004, 379 S., Vertrieb: Dachkammer
  • H. Garbe (2002): New EMC Test Facilities for Radiation Measurementsin: Review of Radio Science 1999-2002, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002
  • H. Haase, H. Garbe (2002): Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik Übungsaufgaben mit LösungenUniVerlag Witte, Hannover, 2002, ISBN 3-932152-66-2
  • H. Haase, H. Garbe (2002): Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik - Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen (Aufgabensammlung zur Klausurvorbereitung)Druck 2002, 414 S., 156 Aufg., 375 Abb.
  • H. Haase, H. Garbe (1998): Elektrotechnik: Theorie und Grundlagen Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998, ISBN 3-540-62431-7, Lehrbuch 362 Seiten